
24°C Air

21°C Water


Aquapark Istralandia Ltd. with its headquarters in Brtonigla, Ronki1, is the sole publisher of the web page The set of services (….) provided on a domain is the sole following of the procedures (…..u administrativnom smislu….). By use of the web page, it is considered that you are fully informed and compliant with the stated Terms of Use, Terms of sales and the Statement on data privacy.

If due to any reason you do not agree and accept, we would kindly ask you not to use this web page. After being fully informed on all terms and conditions, every further use of the web page considers the users are informed and accepting the use of the web pages in accordance with the stated terms and conditions. The user agrees that the use of Aquapark Istralandia Ltd.  web page is at sole responsibility. Aquapark Istralandia Ltd. , including the third parties connected to the Aquapark, do not guarantee the use of web page without interruptions of accidental mistakes, nor can guarantee for content, information, services or goods offered through these web pages.

Furthermore, the user agrees and confirms that Aquapark Istralandia Ltd. does not take any responsibility for inappropriate or illegal behavior of other users or third parties, and accepts the responsibility for any possible damage as a result of the stated. The Statement of liability relates to all damages caused by any mistake, deleting, interruption, computer virus, damage or unauthorized entry, change or misuse of the data, negligence, inappropriate behavior or any other possible cause.

The Aquapark Istralandia Ltd.  or any other legal entity or natural person involved in creation, production and distribution of this web page are not liable for any damage occurring as a result of the use or impossibility of use of these web pages. The user takes sole responsibility for the data privacy of the passwords appearing and created when using the services ofAquapark Istralandia Ltd.  The user also takes the sole responsibility for acquiring and maintenance of their own computer equipment, the complete software and hardware used and necessary for access to and use of the web page, including all relevant costs.

Any damage of the users equipment resulting as the consequence of the use of internet web pages is not and cannot be the responsibility of Aquapark Istralandia Ltd. , which reserves all rights at all times and without prior notice to cancel or change any of the stated Terms of use and/or Statement on data privacy if so is considered necessary. The eventual changes can, among others, include introductions of certain fees so users are advised to periodically read carefully all information which are the content of Terms of use and the Statement of data privacy in order to be informed on all eventual changes in a timely manner.

The Aquapark Istralandia Ltd.  also reserves every right to change and/or cancel any segment of business conducting at any time, including, without any limitations the time of availability, content and the equipment needed for accessing or use of the web page. Aquapark Istralandia Ltd.  can also cease the information or parts of information distribution, can change or cancel any way of data transmission as well as their speeds or other characteristics. In cases of changed Terms of use and/or The Statement of data privacy, if the user continues to use the pages it is considered that Terms of use and the Statement of data privacy are accepted in their altered version.

Any eventual change or delete of the terms of use is valid towards the third parties immediately upon notice on web pages. Every use, except the information on changes of the conditions after such a change, will automatically be considered as the acceptance of changes by the end user. The legal obligations of each user are to use the web page of Aquapark Istralandia Ltd.  in accordance with the regulations of the Republic of Croatia only, as well as in accordance with general moral and ethical principles. With the use of Aquapark Istralandia Ltd.  web pages by the user, it is considered that the user is informed and agreeable that all communication and interaction via these internet pages has to be in full accordance with these terms of use.

Via these web pages, the users are under no circumstances allowed to publish, transmit or make available to others any materials whose content may in any way violate the rights of others, e.g; offensive contents, insulting, violating the privacy to include the contents of any illegal content and form. Aquapark Ltd. reserves discretion right to conduct self evaluation in order to determine if there is any violation of obligation by the user. Without prior written consent, the user can not publish, transmit or make available in any way the content with implemented ads, commercials or offer of anybody’s product or service, to include, religious, political and non commercial marketing. It is especially forbidden to canvass other Aquapark Istralandia Ltd.  Web page users to become the users of any other service which may be considered as direct or indirect competition.

The Aquapark Istralandia Ltd.  reserves the discretion right to independently evaluate if there are any violations of obligations by the user. All materials available on pages are the sole property of Aquapark Istralandia Ltd.  and as such protected by the law, or used in accordance with the approval of the bearer of the copyright, the seal bearer as well as in accordance with other necessary approvals.Aquapark Istralandia Ltd.  is also the copyright bearer of the entire concept of the web page essential for proper and ease functioning of the project.

Any kind of copying, transmission, distribution, connection, and publishing or in any way alteration of these web pages is strictly forbidden without written approval of the Aquapark Ltd. Every breach of this distrait can result in copyright violation; the seal right or any other right, and can result in unwanted procedures such as law prosecutions and prosecutions for criminal offences. The user is not allowed to change, publish, transmit, participate in transmission or sale, create derivatives or in any other way use the content of web page, partly or as a whole.

It is not allowed to copy, redistribute, retransmit, publish or commercially use any of the downloaded material. The user agrees not to consider the Aquapark Istralandia Ltd.  liable and will restrain from any request for damage or cost compensation. The same applies to any of the Aquapark Ltd. subsidiaries, their responsible personnel, employees and agents. It also considers and includes the cost of any eventual legal representation which may occur due to use of these web pages by the user. Aquapark Istralandia Ltd.  can terminate any business cooperation at any moment, reserving the right to sustain or cancel any passwords or user accounts in cases when the Aquapark considers the user’s behavior unacceptable.

Furthermore, Aquapark Istralandia Ltd.  can terminate any business cooperation with any user in any case of irreverence of these Terms of use by the user. In cases of password and/or user account cancellations, the conditions relating to responsibility and obligations of the user are still in force. Aquapark Ltd is not responsible for any eventual damage or loss as a result of the user to rely on information provided on web pages. Aquapark Istralandia Ltd.  strictly sets boundaries, in any way and from any content on web pages of third parties which may be approached via

In cases when the user accesses the web pages of the third parties, it is done on own responsibility only, which also considers every exclusion of the responsibility of the Aquapark Ltd. In cases when some of the paragraphs of these Terms of use are futility, such futility will not affect on validation of any other provision of these Terms of use; the remaining parts of the Terms of use will remain in power, while futility provision will be replaced with the valid one which is in sense and legal matter the most acceptable. If any of the sides does not use the right from these Terms of use, it will not be considered as the release or the loss of these rights, or any other of here stated right.

Persons under the age of 18 are forbidden to use the Aquapark Istralandia Ltd. .web pages. Any request or dispute, resulting from or connected with these Terms of use or its execution is under the authority of the Court of city of Poreč and is resolved in accordance with the positive regulations of the Republic of Croatia.  By accepting the Terms of use, it is considered that the user if informed about technical data of Aquapark Istralandia Ltd.  products. By accessing web pages, it is considered that the user has fully read and understood these Term of use.

Webshop Istralandia – the tickets are based on the arrival date, which means that the arrival date selected in the webshop is the only day when the tickets are valid for the Aquapark, the same applies to all additional sales in the Istralandia webshop (lockers, sunbeds, sun pavilion, family cabin, Vip sunbed pavilion, dog box). With that, we can not approve any subsequent complaints on the day of arrival or a few days after the selected arrival date, for all other information you can contact us directly with a request at [email protected]. If the Aquapark is not open on the selected arrival day due to force majeure, the same tickets and additional sales will be valid for the next working day of the Aquapark.

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